The BC Hockey League has rescheduled several games this week due to the continued travel issues within B.C. caused by last week’s flooding throughout the province.
The following games this week have been postponed:
Date | Teams | Location |
Friday, Nov. 26 | Chilliwack @ Prince George | Rolling Mix Concrete Arena |
Friday, Nov. 26 | Nanaimo @ Merritt | Nicola Valley Memorial Arena |
Friday, Nov. 26 | Powell River @ Vernon | Kal Tire Place |
Friday, Nov. 26 | Cranbrook @ Victoria | The Q Centre |
Saturday, Nov. 27 | Nanaimo @ Prince George | Rolling Mix Concrete Arena |
Saturday, Nov. 27 | Powell River @ Merritt | Nicola Valley Memorial Arena |
Saturday, Nov. 27 | Chilliwack @ West Kelowna | Royal LePage Place |
Saturday, Nov. 27 | Cranbrook @ Cowichan Valley | Cowichan Community Centre |
Sunday, Nov. 28 | Cranbrook @ Surrey | South Surrey Arena |
The following games have been added to the schedule:
Date | Teams | Location |
Friday, Nov. 26 | Powell River @ Nanaimo | Frank Crane Arena |
Friday, Nov. 26 | Prince George @ Vernon | Kal Tire Arena |
Friday, Nov. 26 | Merritt @ Penticton | South Okanagan Events Centre |
Friday, Nov. 26 | Alberni @ Victoria | The Q Centre |
Saturday, Nov. 27 | Nanaimo @ Powell River | Hap Parker Arena |
Saturday, Nov. 27 | Coquitlam @ Chilliwack | Chilliwack Coliseum |
Saturday, Nov. 27 | Cranbrook @ West Kelowna | Royal LePage Place |
Sunday, Nov. 28 | Chilliwack @ Surrey | South Surrey Arena |
The following games have been cancelled:
Date | Teams | Location |
Sunday, Jan. 2 | Alberni Valley @ Victoria | The Q Centre |
Wednesday, Jan. 5 | Coquitlam @ Chilliwack | Chilliwack Coliseum |
Further details around rescheduled games will be provided in the coming weeks.