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News from semiannual meeting

BCHL-180x240The BCHL conducted its semiannual board of governors meeting this week in Richmond and a number of items arose that will potentially affect the league’s operations for the 2017-18 season.

First, the board of governors approved a move to a 23-man roster for next season. Teams have been operating with 22-man rosters since the 2012-13 season.

Also, the board has directed its Franchise Committee to review a franchise transfer application. This is a result of talks between West Kelowna Warriors owner Mark Cheyne and a group interested in purchasing his franchise and moving it to North Delta’s Sungod Arena. It is the responsibility of the Franchise Committee to make a recommendation to the board of governors as to what would be best course of action for the BCHL and all its member clubs in this matter. The Franchise Committee is also to determine a timeline to when this potential transfer would be voted on by the board.

Finally, regarding speculation on the Nanaimo Clippers and a possible impact to their operation from a relocating Western Hockey League (WHL) franchise, the city of Nanaimo is holding a referendum on March 11 where residents will decide whether or not they want the city to proceed with construction of a new hockey arena capable of hosting a WHL franchise. Nothing can be decided about the Clippers’ future until the results of the referendum are known.