Photo credit: Garrett James Photography
The BC Hockey League has partnered with the BC Amateur Sport Fund to raise funds to benefit the BCHL Community Through Sport project with the goals of bringing high-level junior hockey to areas of the province that would not normally get to see it and engaging and inspiring the youth of the community through school visits, hockey camps and other interactions.
At the inaugural Road Show event in Kitimat, B.C. in 2020, the league and two of its teams visited Indigenous schools, held minor hockey camps involving the teams and the Vancouver Canucks Alumni and also hosted two regular-season BCHL games at the local arena.
“What stood out the most was the school visits, where a group of seemingly shy kids, who were too timid to ask a question during the Q&A period, completely came out of their shells and showed their true personalities when the floor hockey sticks came out,” said BCHL Manager of Communications & Events Jesse Adamson.
Your donations will go to the BC Amateur Sport Fund to benefit the BCHL and communities in our province through minor hockey camps and donations of new hockey equipment. All funds will be used to help create the best events possible for the host communities and will leave a lasting impact on the people there.